Fy ardd yn Wyddigoed

Fy ardd yn Wyddigoed
The view from the Southwest

Wednesday 9 June 2010

My Balcony Farm

My Balcony Farm is contained within my three by two meter first floor balcony just outside London. To be honest I'm pretty new to this - I mean both blogging and raising vegetables on my balcony. Oh, and keeping a wormery. That's why it's not just a garden. It's a farm.

So "My Balcony Farm" is going to be about mistakes and experiments. Take the wormery that I designed and built back in March out of shiplapped floor boards and two by two. It's supposed to look like an aesthetically pleasing medieval Japanese pickle barrel. It's not supposed to look like the ugly green plastic bins that are available online, just because - well if all you've got is six square meters you don' have room for anything that's ugly. I'm just not sure yet whether it will be adequate to keep the little guys alive and chomping through my melon rinds and egg cartons. Early days.

More to come - about spuds in burlap bags, the pointlessness of naming your worms Betty and Barney and red cabbage in pots. And how many diseases I've spotted so far on my tomatoes

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