Fy ardd yn Wyddigoed

Fy ardd yn Wyddigoed
The view from the Southwest

Wormery design and construction

My wormery is constructed from ship-lapped floorboard with two by two for the frame. It has a loose fitting lid and is divided into two compartments, separated by a perforated barrier and a thin piece of fibreboard. The fibreboard will be removed in the Autumn when I want the worms to migrate from one compartment, which is almost full now, to the other, which I'm gradually filling with kitchen and garden waste and bedding.

As I only have a small balcony I wanted something that both did the job and was aesthetially pleasing. So those will continue to be my two guiding principles.

I'll give more constuction details in another post, but needless to say I've uncovered some, well - lots of design faults. Some I'm trying to fix retrospectively. Some will have to wait for my Marque Two wormery sometime next year.